Tuesday, April 17, 2007

We survived the wind! 4/17/07

Hello All. We are in Charleston, South Carolina - a beautiful and charming city. We are attending the America's Great Loop Cruiser's Association Spring Rendezvous. What Fun! We know or have at least met almost all of the members who are attending. I'm not sure just how many are here but probably 250 to 300. There are around 175 boats that we know of doing at least part of the great loop this year.

We were hit by the storms that came across the US over the weekend. We did not have a lot of lightning but did have major winds. I heard that we had steady 40 mph winds with gusts to 60 mph. We are on the inside of a dock so the wind was blowing us away from the dock - only problem we had was that we could not get off our boat without a huge leap - both of distance and of faith. The boats on the outside really had a bad day. We all did what we could to help but mostly we just had to wait it out. I'm including a picture I took of the boat across from us. Several men are trying to push it away from the dock to get more bumpers in.

Every time we stuck our head out, we were drenched by sea water coming across the 20 foot dock and over the top of our boat. Thank goodness, we were not out in the ocean - with 20+ foot waves.

I'm also including a picture I just took of Rob, off to do his Coast Guard Auxilliary boat safety inspections.
Bill and Eva are joining us tomorrow and will go with us to the Wilmington, North Carolina area. We can't wait to see them.
See you out there somewhere . . .
Rob & Ann


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